Tutorial - 1


This tutorial is a step-by-step introduction to osBrain with examples. In order to start playing with this module, you only need to install it.

osBrain requires Python 3. Most probably, Python 3 is already packaged for your favorite distribution (and maybe even installed by default in your system). If you do not have Python 3 available, consider using Conda to create a virtual environment with Python 3.

Installing osBrain is very simple with pip:

pip install osbrain

You should now be able to import osbrain from a python console:

>>> import osbrain

Hello world

The first example is, of course, a simple hello world! program. Three steps are taken here:

  1. Run a name server.
  2. Run an agent with an alias Example.
  3. Log a Hello world message from the agent.
from osbrain import run_nameserver
from osbrain import run_agent

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # System deployment
    agent = run_agent('Example')

    # Log a message
    agent.log_info('Hello world!')

Running this example from your terminal should simply show you a log message saying Hello world! but, what exactly is happening there?

Agents and proxies

An agent, in osBrain, is an entity that runs independly from other agents in the system. An agent, by default, will simply poll for incoming messages before executing the code defined by the developer. This means a single agent, as in the Hello world! example, makes little or no sense. Agents in a multi-agent system start to make sense when connected to each other.

The easiest way to run an agent in an osBrain architecture is by calling the function osbrain.core.run_agent():

>>> agent = run_agent(...)

This function will spawn a new agent and will return a osbrain.core.Proxy to it.

Proxies are simply local objects that allow us to easily have access to the remote agent. The fact that agents are run independently from each other justifies the need of a proxy.

A proxy allows us to call methods or access attributes of the remote agent in a very convenient way. See for example the previous call:

>>> agent.log_info('Hello world')

The method log_info() is implemented in osbrain.core.Agent so, when this method is called from the proxy, this call is actually being serialized to the remote running agent and gets executed there. The return value, if any, is then serialized back and returned by the proxy. So basically so get the impression of being working with a local object while your code is executed remotelly.

The name server

A name server is just like another agent, so it runs independently, but with a very specific role. Name servers are used as an address book. This means other agents can be run in the system and can be registered in the name server using a human-readable alias. Aliases help us accessing these agents easily even from remote locations.

Note that when calling the osbrain.core.run_agent() function, we are passing a string parameter. This parameter is the alias the agent will use to register itself in the name server.

When we run a name server calling the osbrain.core.run_nameserver(), we also get in return a proxy to this name server:

>>> ns = run_nameserver()

This proxy can be used to list the agents registered in the name server:

from osbrain import run_nameserver
from osbrain import run_agent

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # System deployment
    ns = run_nameserver()

    # Show agents registered in the name server
    for alias in ns.agents():

The code above should simply print the aliases of all the agents registered in the name server.

A name server proxy can also be used to create proxies to registered agents. This is specially useful when accessing the multi-agent system from a different console or location, as it will reduce the number of addresses that we need to remember.

from osbrain import run_nameserver
from osbrain import run_agent

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # System deployment
    ns = run_nameserver()

    # Create a proxy to Agent1 and log a message
    agent = ns.proxy('Agent1')
    agent.log_info('Hello world!')

The code above creates (and registers) three different agents in a name server and then creates, through the name server proxy, a proxy to one of those agents simply using its alias. Then it uses the agent proxy to remotelly call a method to log a Hello world! message.


Now that we understand the basics of how proxies, agents and name servers work, let us jump into a more interesting example.

As mentioned before, a multi-agent system only makes sense if agents are connected with each other and share some information using message passing.

In this first example, we will create two agents: Alice and Bob, and we will make alice send messages to Bob using a simple push-pull communication pattern.

import time
from osbrain import run_agent
from osbrain import run_nameserver

def log_message(agent, message):
    agent.log_info('Received: %s' % message)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # System deployment
    alice = run_agent('Alice')
    bob = run_agent('Bob')

    # System configuration
    addr = alice.bind('PUSH', alias='main')
    bob.connect(addr, handler=log_message)

    # Send messages
    while True:
        alice.send('main', 'Hello, Bob!')

So, in this case, we are doing some more stuff. After we spawn Alice and Bob, we connect them.

First, we make Alice bind:

>>> addr = alice.bind('PUSH', alias='main')

There are three things to remark in that line:

  1. The first parameter 'PUSH' represents the communication pattern we want to use. In this case we are using a simple push-pull (unidirectional) pattern to allow Alice to send messages to Bob.
  2. The second parameter is, once again, an alias. We can use this alias to refer to this communication channel in an easier way.
  3. The binding, as you already guessed, takes place in the remote agent, but it actually returns a value, which is the address the agent binded to. This address is serialized back to us so we can use it to connect other agents to it.

The next interesting line of code is the one in which Bob connects to Alice:

>>> bob.connect(addr, handler=log_message)

There are two things to remark in here:

  1. Calling connect() from an agent requires, first, an address. This address is, in this case, the one we got after binding Alice. This method will automatically select the appropriate communication pattern to connect to this pattern ('PULL' in this case).
  2. Bob will be receiving messages from Alice, so we must set a handler function that will be executed when a message from Alice is received. This handler will be serialized and stored in the remote agent to be executed there when needed.

The handler function, in its most basic form, accepts two parameters:

def handler(agent, message):
  1. The actual agent (can be named self as well, in an OOP way).
  2. The message that is received.

In the example above, the handler simply logs the message received.


Another common communication patter is the request-reply, in which a requester sends a message to the replier and expects always a reply back. It is sometimes useful, specially when some kind of synchronization is required.

from osbrain import run_agent
from osbrain import run_nameserver

def reply(agent, message):
    return 'Received ' + str(message)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    alice = run_agent('Alice')
    bob = run_agent('Bob')

    addr = alice.bind('REP', alias='main', handler=reply)
    bob.connect(addr, alias='main')

    for i in range(10):
        bob.send('main', i)
        reply = bob.recv('main')

The main difference with respect to the push-pull pattern is that, in this case, Bob must run the recv method in order to get the reply back from Alice.


Although the requester is not required to immediately await for the reply (i.e.: can do other stuff after sending the request and before receiving the response), it is required to receive a reply back before making another request through the same communication channel. Multiple requests can be made from the same agent as long as it uses different communication channels for each request.


One of the most useful communication patterns between agents is the publish and subscribe pattern. The publisher will send messages to all subscribed agents.

Here is an example in which Alice is the publisher and Bob and Eve subscribe to Alice. This way, when Alice sends a message, both Bob and Eve will receive it:

import time
from osbrain import run_agent
from osbrain import run_nameserver

def log_message(agent, message):
    agent.log_info('Received: %s' % message)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # System deployment
    alice = run_agent('Alice')
    bob = run_agent('Bob')
    eve = run_agent('Eve')

    # System configuration
    addr = alice.bind('PUB', alias='main')
    bob.connect(addr, handler=log_message)
    eve.connect(addr, handler=log_message)

    # Send messages
    while True:
        alice.send('main', 'Hello, all!')

Note the similarities between this example and the Sender-Receiver example. The only differences are that Alice is now binding using the 'PUB' pattern and that, instead of having just Bob connecting to Alice, we now have Eve as well connecting to Alice.

This communication pattern allows for easy filtering. Refer to the Filtering section in the tutorial for more details.